Botswana Wildlife Species Guide

This Botswana Wildlife Species Guide provides info on Botswana wildlife including their appearance, diet and behaviour, plus the best places to see them, while on safari in Botswana.

Botswana animals that you might see on safari include African elephants, lions, cheetahs, zebras, giraffes, wild dogs, Lechwe, Roan and Sitatunga antelopes, hippos, buffalos and many more wildlife species.

Learn more about What animals can I see in Botswana?

Aardvark - Botswana Wildlife Guide

Ardvark – meaning 'earth pig' in Afrikaans is generally considered to be nocturnal although it is sometime seen foraging in the daytime...more

African Elephant - Botswana Wildlife Guide

Botswana has the greatest elephant population in Africa with numbers exceeding 50 000. The highest concentration of elephants can be found i...more

Baboon - Botswana Wildlife Guide

This Botswana Wildlife guide informs about baboons, which are found in the wilderness areas except for the arid central regions of Botswana...more

Banded Mongoose - Botswana Wildlife Guide

Banded Mongooses are sociable creatures and are found in troops of up to fifty individuals. The sizes of the territories or home ranges depe...more

Birds of Botswana - Botswana Wildlife Guide

The best time to view birds in Botswana is during the wet season. Great areas fir birding in Botswana are the Okavango Delta or Makgadikgadi...more

Black Backed Jackal Botswana Wildlife Guide

The Black-backed Jackal, or silver-backed Jackal as it is known in places, is one of the hardiest creatures of Africa, surviving in a wide r...more

Buffalo - Botswana Wildlife Guide

Buffalos in Botswana are grazers and they are found on the floodplains of the Chobe River and the Okavango Delta. They belong to the Big Fiv...more

Cape Fox - Botswana Wildlife Guide

The Cape Fox is the only true fox occurring in southern Africa. They feed on a wide range of food from rodents to birds, insects and even at...more

Cheetah - Botswana Wildlife Guide

This Botswana Species guide focuses on cheetahs, the fastest animals on land. But they are the lowest on the predator scale. Their kills get...more

Common Eland - Botswana Wildlife Guide

The world's largest antelope was once widespread across Africa but is now only found in protected areas. Eland herds vary in size although t...more

Crocodile - Botswana Wildlife Guide

The Crocodile is one of the oldest species on earth, predating the dinosaurs, and the question is often asked as to why the species survived...more

Duiker - Botswana Wildlife Guide

Predominantly a herbivore one of the most interesting facts about the Duiker is that it is known to feed on insects, small reptiles, birds a...more

Fish Eagle - Botswana Wildlife Guide

The Fish Eagle is the epitome of African pride and grandeur for many people, with its piercing call carrying across the wilderness. The call...more

Giraffe - Botswana Wildlife Guide

The Giraffe in Botswana live in the Okavango Delta and in wilderness areas in the central part of the country, including the Central Kalahar...more

Hartebeest - Botswana Wildlife Guide

Hartebeest are sub-classified into numerous sub-species with particular ranges across Africa. The social structure involves herds of females...more

Hippo - Botswana Wildlife Guide

The deep grunting of Hippo is one of Africa's characteristic sounds and most people who have been on an Botswana safari will have heard this...more

Honey Badger - Botswana Wildlife Guide

Honey badgers are renowned for their ferociousness, attacking lions and buffalo if feeling threatened. The legend goes that the badger will ...more

Hyena - Botswana Wildlife Guide

Hyenas in Botswana live in Linyanti, the south-western Delta and Savuti. They have been found to be very successful hunters amongst predator...more

Impala - Botswana Wildlife Guide

The impala is the most widespread antelope in northern Botswana and due to its abundance this elegantly beautiful antelope is generally over...more

Kudu - Botswana Wildlife Guide

The Kudu is one of the stateliest animals in Africa and in particular the male with its long spiral horns – which also make it a favourite...more

Lechwe - Botswana Wildlife Guide

Lechwe antelope are reliant on water and are found in the south western floodplains of the Okavango Delta in Botswana. With the new flood th...more

Leopard - Botswana Wildlife Guide

Leopards are the most common cat in Africa. But they are of the most elusive and a Leopard sighting is always a highlight of a Botswana safa...more

Lion - Botswana Wildlife Guide

The Lions of Botswana are commonly seen hunting in prides in most parts of the country, like the Central Kalahari or the Okavango Delta...more

Oryx - Botswana Wildlife Guide

The Oryx or Gemsbok has adapted to life in the dry arid central regions of the Kalahari and can live without drinking water, instead getting...more

Ostrich - Botswana Wildlife Guide

The world's largest living bird occurs throughout Botswana, from the wetlands of the Okavango to the arid reaches of the Central Kalahari. M...more

Pels Fishing Owl - Botswana Wildlife Guide

The Pel's Fishing Owl is probably heard more than it is seen whilst on safari in the Okavango Delta or Linyanti Swamp, although most guests ...more

Porcupine - Botswana Wildlife Guide

The southern African porcupine [Hystrix africaeustralis] is found from the southern- most point of the continent up into Kenya. The north Af...more

Roan Antelope - Botswana Wildlife Guide

The Roan is the largest African antelope after the Eland and could be confused with the regal Sable Antelope but it is more reddish in colou...more

Sitatunga - Botswana Wildlife Guide

A water adapted species the Sitatunga is the most elusive antelope to spot on a Botswana safari in the permanent waters of the Okavango Delt...more

Springbok - Botswana Wildlife Guide

Springbok are confined to game farms and reserves with the only numbers of substance being found in the Central Kalahari Game Reserve and Kg...more

Steenbok - Botswana Wildlife Guide

The Steenbok is generally an arid-habitat species, but in Botswana they are found in the Okavango Delta. Known to survive without having to ...more

Suricate - Botswana Wildlife Guide

Suricates are a highly sociable species living in troops of up to fifty individuals. They live in burrows which they excavate themselves. Su...more

Tsessebe - Botswana Wildlife Guide

One of the most characteristic images of the plains of Africa is that of the Tsessebe and Topi standing on a termite mound vantage point. On...more

Vervet Monkey - Botswana Wildlife Guide

The Vervet Monkey is one of the most endearing animals for guests to see on safari, but they are usually pests around lodges where they raid...more

Vultures - Botswana Wildlife Guide

There are eight species of vulture in Africa of which five are found in Botswana namely hooded, white-backed, lappet-faced, white headed and...more

Warthog - Botswana Wildlife Guide

The Warthog is a fearless character, often standing up to predators like lion or hyena. Warthogs are widespread except in the arid regions o...more

Waterbuck - Botswana Wildlife Guide

The Waterbuck was described by Earnest Hemingway as 'no more ruggedly handsome animal in all of Africa', and with its long forward-sweeping ...more

Wild Dog - Botswana Wildlife Guide

Botswana is considered to have the largest population of wild dogs with more than 700 of the presumed 3000 left. They are found in Linyanti,...more

Wildebeest - Botswana Wildlife Guide

During the Wildebeest migration in Botswana almost 500 000 wildebeest migrated between the wetlands of the north and the dry Central Kalahar...more

Zebra - Botswana Wildlife Guide

From the three species of Zebra in Africa, in Botswana only the Burchell's Zebra occurs. It is is the national animal of Botswana living in...more
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