The Quiet Solitude of the Okavango Panhandle

© Okavango Pan Handle
The Okavango Panhandle is the main watercourse supplying the Okavango Delta. The Panhandle is the stretch of approximately 70km of the Okavango River, from where the river enters Botswana until it fans out into the alluvial plain of The Delta.

The Historically Significant Tsodilo Hills

A visit to the Panhandle would not be complete without an excursion to Tsodilo Hills. About 40km to the west of the Panhandle lays a rocky outcrop known as Tsodilo Hills, a little visited area that boasts fascinating cave paintings and walking trails.

Tsodilo Hills consist of 4 large pieces of rock, rising unexpectedly from the dry expanse of the desert. The Bushman that lived here referred to the bigger rock as the 'male', the smaller one was known as the 'female', and the smallest one was the 'child'. According to legends the fourth hill was the male hill's first wife, whom he left for a younger woman, and who now prowls in the background.

Tsodilo Hills forms one of the most historically significant rock art sites in the world, It boasts 500 individual sites representing thousands of years of human habitation. Nobody knows the exact age of the paintings although some are thought to be more than 20 000 years old, whilst others are merely a century old.

A Lazy House Boat River Cruise

The serenity of the slowly passing landscape from the deck of a houseboat has to be experienced to be believed. Sit back. Open a beer and just let time drift by.

Read a Review Okavango Panhandle Houseboat Safari

Tigerfish and Bream

The Panhandle has become more accessible with the tarring of the Maun/Shakawe road. With the Panhandle being deep and fast-flowing it is ideal for both the fighting Tigerfish and bream. Seventeen species of fish can be caught in the Panhandle area. Bird watching is also outstanding in the region's tall, shady, riverine forests and many resident and migratory birds can be seen along the river.

Closest Safari Lodge

Read more about Nxamaseri Island Lodge in the Okavango Panhandle.

Botswana Mobile Safari - Okavango Panhandle

A Botswana Mobile safari in the Okavango Panhandle will certainly provide an experience unlike any other African Safari, with scenery, incre...more

Tsodilo Hills

The Tsodilo Hills in Botswana are believed to be the site of first Creation by the Bushmen. The Tsodilo Hills are one of the most historical...more
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